Public Services

1:1 Consultation

sit down with a professional and really feel heard

Do you have questions about how to best deliver quality services and supports? Maybe you have questions about how to implement HCBS in a way that is realistic or you are questioning your real level of HCBS compliance? Whatever your questions or concerns might be, we are here for you. During your 1-hour session, you will meet with one of the Alo co-founders, Jacqueline or Kaitlin, to address whatever is on your mind.

an online space to connect with colleagues over HCBS

The purpose of this Community of Professionals is to create a truly desirable place to connect over Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). This space is intended to foster conversation, support and the sharing of resources among different types of professionals who are interested in supporting people with ID/D to live more dignified and independent lives. We welcome authentic conversations and curiosity. This is a monthly membership moderated by the Alo Consultation team. After you apply, you’ll receive billing and membership information.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out and tell us what you’re thinking!

… or send us an email at